Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research Support Team is the first port of call for anyone wishing to undertake research in the Trust. Research within the Trust can take place over a variety of locations, usually related to the recruitment of specific types of participants. This may include partnerships with primary care locations; acute hospital trusts; and community based services. For all sites involved in research, the Trust Research Support function must complete the appropriate study assessment and approval processes before any research processes can begin.
We can provide help and advice for all aspects of research design and delivery, as well as the process for providing capacity and capability for research being undertaken in the Trust, including:
- A research study or idea
- ‘Assess, Arrange, Confirm’ including Ethics and HRA
- GCP training
- HR arrangements
- Grants administration
When studies are identified by either the MPFT research team, a feasibility review will be undertaken by the Lead Research Nurse and Research Administrators in liaison with the Research Support Manager and local MPFT teams; any arrangements necessary are put in place to allow the successful delivery of the study; then the Head of Research and Innovation can ‘confirm capacity and capability’ to the study sponsor in order that the research study can start within the Trust.
This process aims to support the success of the study by ensuring that:
- Studies are assessed before they are agreed to in order to ensure that delivery is possible
- That all legal and regulatory permissions are in place before any participants are recruited at the site, this includes Ethics Committee Approval; Health Research Authority Approval; and funders approval and Clinical Research Network portfolio adoption where appropriate
- That all necessary local assessments have been done, service departments both internal and external have been consulted and equipment arranged where required
- That all financial and contractual matters have been resolved
- That the Trust has access to eligible patients and the protocol can be delivered
- That the staff involved with the study have had the appropriate training and are suitably qualified for the tasks they are to undertake
- That arrangements with support departments have been completed
- That processes are in place for the ongoing study
This assurance process is undertaken by individuals within the MPFT R&I team who are experienced in the review and set up of research projects and also skilled at supporting other service departments to ensure all research undertaken within the Trust or sub-contracted to our partners is properly governed and set up, and expertly delivered. The Research Support Manager oversees this process and will undertake a Q&A process in order that the Head of Research and Innovation can be provided with the appropriate information and assurance that the study is deliverable and has been properly set up, who then will confirm that the study can start. The process is also supported by local and network training; a suite of SOPs, Process Maps and Aide Memoires; and the Trust’s Research Governance Policy.
If you have any questions, please contact the Research and Innovation department on 01785 783180 or research
Useful links
- UK Policy Framework Health Social Care Research
- The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004
- Human Tissue Act 2004
- The EU Clinical Trials Directive (EUCTD - 2001/20/EC)
- The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Directive (2005/28/EC)
- World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki
- Data Protection Act 2018