There are a huge number of funding sources available regardless of the type of project you are undertaking. It is essential that you carefully check the eligibility for each funding call and that you give yourself plenty of time to put your application together as it can take time to get all of the inputs you may need co-ordinated.
There are also numerous funding newsletters and emails that you can sign up to, to receive regular updates on funding calls from specific funders.
The R&I department have an intranet page which is updated each Wednesday. Please contact research
Below is a list of websites that provide more information funding opportunities – please use the links to find out more and to subscribe to their emails for funding alerts.
The leading UK charity funding vital research to help defeat the diseases that devastate the lives of sick and disabled babies, children and young people.
Funding for clinical research or research at the interface between clinical and basic science which focuses on preventing and treating disease and disability in child health including pregnancy, childbirth, babies, children and young people
Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Our vision is a world where people are free from the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.
Research into cause, diagnosis/detection, prevention and treatment (disease modifying and symptomatic). Grant schemes range from pilot projects and PhD scholarships major projects and consortia funding.
The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) support research charities through research and innovation. The AMRC have over 150 member charities who fund all areas of health and disease as well as all stages of research.
Below is a spreadsheet which includes the current funding calls from the AMRC newsletter.
Member directory - Association of Medical Research Charities (
Diabetes UK’s aim is to tackle the diabetes crisis. We’re here to prevent Type 2 diabetes, campaign for and support everyone affected by diabetes, and fund research that will one day lead us to a cure.
Funding to improve the lives of people living with diabetes – by investing in research projects to explore key research questions, and investing in people to develop the best diabetes researchers for the future.
Grants range from early-career funding to postdoctoral fellowships and projects up to five years in length.
Innovate UK are part of the UKRI, shown below. They are the UK’s innovation agency and provide information on funding opportunities as well as support and advice. Innovate UK also provide the opportunity to register for online webinars on funding.
The Medical Research Foundation’s vision is to advance medical research, improve human health and change people’s lives. Unlike many charities, we do not have to provide support for a particular disease or condition, or a particular research institution. We are free to choose our own research priorities and we are responsive and flexible in the way we allocate our funding. We are always looking for opportunities to support exciting new research.
Support for research grants, infrastructure and equipment grants, fellowships and studentships, skill-sharing and collaborations, and the dissemination of research results. Funding varies and is not restricted to one particular disease area.
Launched in 2006, the NIHR was created to "create a health research system in which the NHS supports outstanding individuals, working in world-class facilities, conducting leading-edge research focused on the needs of patients and the public". They provide funding and work with funders to improve research and increase economic growth.
The Royal Osteoporosis Society is the UK’s only national charity dedicated to bone health and osteoporosis. We work to improve the bone health of the nation and support everyone with osteoporosis to live well through our support services and advice.
Grants aimed at answering key questions related to osteoporosis.
Parkinson’s UK influences and funds groundbreaking research to advance understanding of Parkinson’s and improve treatments. It is the largest funder of Parkinson’s research in Europe.
Grants for non-drug related research including living aids, therapies and exercises.
The UKRI were established in April 2018 and is a non-departmental public body. They have a funding finder on their website that includes various funding councils, you are able to search by different types of funding types including Fellowship, Grants and loans as well as open and upcoming opportunities.
In September 2018 Arthritis Research UK and Arthritis Care merged to become Versus Arthritis. As an organisation, they advocate to push back against arthritis and support people with arthritis. Our research has helped us to make life-changing breakthroughs and improve the lives of millions of people living with arthritis.
Grants including clinical research fellowships and new treatment acceleration are available.
We support thousands of scientists and researchers in more than 70 countries, as well as innovators, educators and artists. We work with people and organisations using science to solve health challenges. We fund discovery research into life, health and wellbeing, and we support research to find solutions to three health challenges: mental health, infectious disease and climate.
Grants to improve health for scientists, researchers, innovators and educators. Support ranging from early career development to late stage trials.
The Academic Heath Science Network, launched in 2013 to increase innovation, economic growth and to improve health.