That your data is kept securely and used appropriately is very important to us. Your data will only ever be accessed, used and stored in the specific way you consent on a study by study basis. All studies are reviewed and approved by external ethics boards and the Health Research Authority, with data access and security being specifically examined.

The new GDPR regulations came into effect on 25th May 2018. For a full and comprehensive outline of the changes, please visit the HRA website:

For patient information on the GDPR regulations please visit the HRA website:

In addition to this, the NHS Data Opt Out willing coming into effect (though the date of this is pending the resolution of the COVID 19 healthcare emergency. Once resolved, all health and care organisations are required to be compliant with the national data opt-out policy. NHS Digital and Public Health England are already compliant and are applying national data opt-outs.  

An exception to these policies is Urgent Public Health research which is covered by Control of Patient Information (COPI) Notices. More information on how these are used by the Government and frequently asked questions can be found at

We undertake research within MPFT in full compliance with these regulations and policies at all times. If you have any questions as to how your data is used or stored, please so not hesitate to contact us as below. 

Get Involved: If you are happy for the research team to contact you regarding taking part in research, please complete the 'Consent to Contact' form below and return to the team by email; by dropping it into the Trust at your next appointment; or by post to

Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Research and Innovation Department
Top Floor, Block 7
St. George’s Hospital
Corporation Street
ST16 3AG

If you return the form by email please complete the form and email to

You do not need to attach an electronic signature and if you are unable to print the form and scan it in then your email will be taken as confirmation of your consent.