There are also a number of groups led by the Involvement Team at the Trust which are also an opportunity to influence and input on improving services in local areas.
Until recently the Trust research-focused group was the 'Patient and Carer Experience - Research' (PACE-R), which met quarterly. The merger resulting in the founding of MPFT and the COVID-19 health emergency has led us to review how we continue this initiative in light of the changing Trust and healthcare landscapes. If you would like to be involved in the group(s), or in specific project related PPIE initiatives, please contact the team on who will be in touch in due course.
If you would like to partner with the Trust to undertake some research or to input into grants or publications, please also do not hesitate to contact us. There are variety of ways we can support these endeavours and give help and advice. Members of our 'Patient and Carer Experience - Research' (PACE-R) have often been called upon to contribute to the development of research proposals and have been listed as co-applicants and co-authors.
Examples of this kind of partnership working include:
Following a call by Healthwatch Shropshire for a competition for community-based groups to bid for research grants, the PACE-R group successfully submitted a one year project proposal to look at rural mental in Shropshire in 2017. This was a co-produced project led by Jean Nicholls working in collaboration with Dr. Tim Lewington and data was collected from two focus groups and a series of interviews with clinicians.