Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Worcester University
College Directors - College of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, Worcester University
Health Psychology Academic Group Lead, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
I joined the University of Worcester in 2013 as a Professor of Health Psychology. I am currently the College Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange for the College of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences. In this role I work closely with staff across the Schools of Science and Environment; Allied Health and Community; and Three Counties Nursing and Midwifery. I am also the Health Psychology Academic Group Lead at the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
My background is Health Psychology and I am involved in research which looks at the experiences of those living with long-term conditions (including adult mental ill-health). I work closely with postgraduate research students and supervisors, notably our MPhil/PhD students, as an active doctoral supervisor but also as Chair of the Research Degrees Board.
Email: e.