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01785 783180


Welcome to the Public health Research Innovation anD Engagement (PRIDE) Project.

What is the PRIDE Project?

The PRIDE project is an NIHR Clinical Research Network West Midlands (CRN WM) funded project that officially started in April 2022 and will operate for a period of 18 months.

PRIDE aims to support the development of locally based research engagement, involvement, and activity within public health teams who practice across a number of local authorities, primarily within the Staffordshire and Shropshire regions.

This initiative is important because it is accepted that a persons’ health is more than their interaction with medicine and healthcare and involves a much wider set of influences and determinants, many of which are at a population and public health level.

Additionally, because each local authority area is different, each local authority area public health team will face different challenges, a good example being the differences faced within a rural environment compared to an inner-city urban environment.

The UK Government and the NHS recognise the need to understand and research more about locally-based driven factors that impact on population health to provide effective locally-based solutions that prevent poor health and promote good health across the population.