Our Research
Every person is different, with individualised needs that span (and combine) the biological, psychological, and social influences. By bringing together research across public health, social, community and primary care we aim to address the problems that matter most to people, their families and our wider society.
We will work with established and world-leading MPFT research groups in mental health and rheumatology (the most common causes of long-term disability) whilst developing an exciting cross cutting portfolio of research in integrated care that addresses the most pressing health and care needs of our communities including:
- Community nursing
- Allied mental health
- Dementia and older persons
- Sensory impairment
- Social work
- Safeguarding
- Global health
- Sexual health
- Community nursing
- Therapy and rehabilitation services
- Disability
- Charities & third sector organisations
- Addiction services
- Dentistry
- Pharmacy
- Schools and education
- Teaching and learning
The group has expertise in a range of research methods including clinical epidemiology, randomised clinical trials, qualitative approaches and mixed methods as well as the use of innovative data collection and research delivery methods.
We are also actively involved in activities to improve the uptake of research findings in practice. Many of our group are involved in the teaching and learning programmes at MPFT such as the Supporting The Advancement of Research Skills (STARS) programme, have supervised PhDs, MPhils, MScs and professional doctorates and actively encourage research and scholarship for MPFT staff.
If you are interested in further study with this group please contact research@mpft.nhs.uk
Research Tools
The Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) Research Readiness Questionnaire (MPFT-RRQ©) was developed by MPFT's Research and Innovation Department to assess research capability, engagement, and organisational support. It has been applied across sectors like health, social care, and criminal justice, using a mix of question types to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.
The MPFT-RRQ© is designed to be brief, taking 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and is freely available for use with the request for proper acknowledgment in any resulting publications.
Ongoing COSMIC projects, such as SCREEN, PRIDE, and LENSE, are using the questionnaire, with plans for future publications based on the results.
For more information, contact the Research and Innovation Department at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust: Research@mpft.nhs.uk