Who are we looking for?
- Members of staff from any directorate with an undergraduate degree level qualification or above. We are open to applications from clinical and non-clinical staff.
- Although applicants are expected to dedicate one day a week to the project, this can be done flexibly; special arrangement can be made for those working part-time.
What does working with the R&I team offer the individual?
- The opportunity for in depth work on a topic that they are passionate about and they feel can make a real difference to practice
- Transferable research, evaluation and leadership skills
- Training, support and academic mentoring from R&I staff for 12 months
- The opportunity to consider future qualification, including Masters and PhD
- Good links with R&I, including the potential to support on-going national and local research and evaluation work across the Trust
- Chance to develop presentation and writing skills in preparation for presentation of findings at the R&I quarterly seminar series
- Support for the production of reports and journal articles
- 1-1 tuition and mentoring relationships (current mentors include Prof Eleanor Bradley, Dr Tom Kingstone, Dr Paul Campbell, Dr Tim Lewington and Dr David Dobel-Ober)
- Access to Local Clinical Research Network training opportunities (for those inputting into national research work)
- Applicants will be able to work in R&I offices if required
What does the opportunity offer directorates?
- Development of evidence based practice of value to the trust, users and carers
- The development of a member of staff with enhanced research and evaluation skills, good project management and leadership
- The chance to develop a project that addresses concerns or issues specific to the Directorate
- Good links with R&I, including input into national project work that may be underway within directorates
- A link for participating in research work in the future, including potential bidding for external research funding
- Access to research expertise
- Potential support to meet Appraisal requirements and Personal Development Conversations (PDCs)
Priority Areas. Members of staff are encouraged to consider projects that would:
- Fit with the strategic objectives of the Trust
- Serve the interests of service users and carers
- Address a current issue
- Be likely to have a direct impact on practice
- Utilise routinely collected data, to facilitate further understanding amongst staff about data analysis and the practical use of data.
- Members of staff are encouraged to consult colleagues and managers to identify potential research areas. This will help ensure projects are relevant and well supported by each team/service.
How to apply
This is a rolling programme and applications will be considered in the order they have been received. All efforts will be made to support appropriate applications and allocate a mentor, but we can’t guarantee immediate access to the programme as this is dependent on mentors’ availability.
Applications need to be sent to Dr David Dobel-Ober:
Block 7,
St. George’s Hospital,
ST16 3AG
Applications should include:
- A short CV
- A short project proposal (800 to 1000 words) providing the main idea, rationale and basic project plan for a 12 months study (including potential impact to the directorate)
Please note, a letter from the applicant’s line manager, agreeing to their involvement in this programme will be required.
Please feel free to contact David Dobel-Ober for further information about the programme or to discuss project ideas and proposal:
01785 783176 (ext 7128776)