We can provide access to many resources in the libraries and online. We also offer training to help you find the information you need to support your work and CPD. View the subheadings below to discover what the library services have to offer.
Library services offer resources in the library and online.
Use the Library
Why use the library?
- Find evidence-based information to help you with your work and study.
- Access books, eBooks, journals, medical databases, reminiscence packs, and wellbeing resources. Visit the online catalogue to view the collection.
- Receive training in evidence searching, critical appraisal, study skills and more.
- Keep up to date with the latest news and evidence in your field.
- Access quiet study spaces, staff PCs and print/scan/copy facilities.
- Access online resources or ask for articles and searches straight away if you work for MPFT, or are on placement in MPFT.
- You can register to borrow books if you work for MPFT, are on placement in MPFT, or if you work for University Hospitals of Derby and Burton.
- Use your Trust ID to issue, return, and renew library resources. This works like a library card. Register your smartcard to use our self-service kiosks (both sites) and lockers (Stafford). Call in to one of the libraries to do this. Library staff can help with renewing, but you can also do this online.
- Service users and carers can use the library for reference. This could be to read books, read articles, spend time in a relaxing space, use computers, use Wi-Fi, or use photocopying and printing services.
The library spaces have:
- Self-service kiosks to borrow, renew, or return books and resources.
- Self-service lockers to collect books and resources out of hours (Stafford Library).
- Study carrels in a quiet environment.
- Computers & docking stations for staff use.
- Computers for service users.
- SPSS data analysis software on computers in both libraries.
View our collections via the online catalogue.
Our collections include:
- Professional literature (textbooks, handbooks and others) to support best practice and academic study.
- Fiction, biographies, and self-help books.
- A range of wellbeing titles.
- Books for service users.
- Games.
- Reminiscence packs.
- You can browse, reserve, and renew books using the online catalogue.
- Borrow up to 10 books for 8 weeks at a time.
- Reserve, renew and review books with your online library account.
- If the library doesn't have a book; we can request this from another library.
- If you want the library to buy a book, you can make an online book request.
- You can have books sent out to your workplace or home.
- You can read eBooks online in your web browser. When you search for an eBook online the results will show availability.
We can carry out a search for key literature on a topic for you, or find evidence to answer a research question.
If you plan to use the search results for academic study, we offer guided search sessions using your chosen topic instead.
You can search for articles using the suggestions on the library website. These include:
- Online Resources A-Z for a list of online journals / databases and other resources you may find useful,
- Journals A-Z to search journal subscriptions by journal title,
- Find Evidence by Subject for information about the resources which may be most helpful to your needs.
These can help you find articles on a particular topic.
To find a specific article you can search a journal article by DOI or PMID at the top of the Article or Book Chapter Request webpage.
If you have searched for an article and it is unavailable; you can request it using the online article request form.
If you have a list of articles, you can email it to library
You can request online training 8am-8pm Monday-Friday. You can request face to face training between 9am and 5pm. View the different training sessions the library offers on the Training webpage.
To access the library space out of hours you will need to use a fob. Redwoods Library and Stafford Library do this differently:
- Redwoods: ask for an out-of-hours sticker for your ID card. This then means you can ask to borrow a fob at the main desk.
- Stafford: use the online form to ask for a fob. (This form needs you to use a Trust device or your MPFT login).