Fill in the form below to book a training session. Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements we can help with.
Introduction to online content and library services
Get a quick overview of the online and print books, journals, databases, evidence summaries, search tools and other resources available to you. Find out how library services can help you get the information you need for your work and CPD. These sessions can cover how to use the library and/or give you an overview of the range of health and social care evidence sources available to you. We can tailor these sessions to your own interests.
Searching for evidence
Learn how to find evidence and information to support your work, study and professional or service development. We offer training at any level and cover straightforward searches using the NHS Knowledge Hub or more in-depth sessions using research databases such as CINAHL, Medline, PsycInfo, or Social Policy. We also provide refresher and advanced search training.
- Searching research databases - group training shows you how to plan a search strategy, choose and search a research database, and tailor your search. Book this to learn search techniques using a general search topic.
- 1-1 guided search helps you plan and carry out a search on a topic of your choice. It’s ideal for academic study, or for anyone who wants to search more effectively.
Next group session: (subject to change)
- Searching Research Databases: Tuesday 4th February, 10am-12noon
Information or misinformation?
How to evaluate a website or other information source quickly, using CRAAP or a similar tool. This shows you how to evaluate an information source quickly, but doesn't cover critical appraisal.
Google and Beyond: search for information more effectively
Learn how to search for high quality health information using key sources, use search engines effectively and assess website quality and reliability.
How to use eBooks or find specific articles
Trust staff have free access to thousands of e-books and millions of research articles. This session covers how to track down a particular article you've identified you want to read; and how to find and use e-books. We can tailor this session to either e-books or articles.
Searching specific information sources, e.g. Cochrane Library
How to search more specialist databases such as the Cochrane Library or Social Policy and Practice. It can cover basic searching and/or more advanced search techniques. For Cochrane Library, it also covers when and why to use it.
Keeping up to date
We'll help you keep up to date with the latest information, evidence and guidelines in your field.
Study Skills, Referencing and Evidence-based Writing
Learn how to search the library catalogue and journals list to find items on your reading list. Get help with accessing and downloading e-books and finding articles to read. Get help with referencing your sources and including them in your writing.
Introductory critical appraisal training - group or individual sessions
Learn how to critically appraise a qualitative or quantitative research article using a critical appraisal checklist and learn how to assess its relevance to your work.
Next group session: (subject to change)
- Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research - Wednesday 20th November, 2pm-4pm
E-mail: to receive an MS Teams invitation to one of the sessions above.
If you can't make these sessions, get in touch and we may be able to arrange another group session, or we can go through some of the principles of critical appraisal as a tutorial via MS Teams.
We are also offering sessions as part of the 'STARS' programme with MPFT Research.
Health Literacy Awareness
43% of adults in England find word-based health information too complex. Add in numbers, and this rises to 61%. Improved health literacy can help people make more informed choices and manage their health more effectively. Find out more with a library training session.
Introduction to Health Literacy – 15 minutes
Looks at what health literacy is, why it matters, and what we can do to help. It’s ideal for introducing the subject or starting conversations in team meetings, huddles or staff inductions.
Health Literacy Awareness – One hour
- what health literacy is and why it matters
- impact on service users, carers, and services
- how better health literacy can improve the service we offer
- session is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health UK (RSPH)
Health Literacy Awareness and Clear Communication – Two hours
The first half of this session is Health Literacy Awareness (details above). In the second hour, we’ll share tips for clear, accessible writing, and techniques to help services users and carers understand spoken health information.
Next group session: (subject to change)
- Health Literacy Awareness and Clear Communication: Wednesday 22nd January, 10am-12noon
- Health Literacy Awareness and Clear Communication: Friday 14th March, 10am-12noon
Email: to receive an MS Teams invitation to this session.
Organising your references using Mendeley
Learn how to use Mendeley, a free reference management tool, to organise your references for assignments, research or any evidence-based documents.
Finding and evaluating patient information
A quick overview of some sources of reliable patient information and an introduction to evaluating other patient information websites.
Creating an academic poster
Suggestions and support if you want to create a poster about research findings or service development or quality improvement work, for publication or to display at a conference.
Research training opportunities
View the MPFT Research and Innovation department page for information and support with writing research proposals, analysing data and applying for ethics approval.