Published on: 22 March 2021
How can I tell if this is piece of research is good, bad or indifferent?
Can I use it to help treat a patient?
Will it be an acceptable article for me to critique in my assignment?
What is important in weighing up the evidence?
MPFT Library and Knowledge Services can help you!
Sign up for one of our MS Teams sessions on critically reading an article based on a randomised controlled trial (RCT)
These workshops will:
- Introduce you to the key elements of critical appraisal
- Break down an answerable question
- Briefly look at some statistical terms used in quantitative research
- Go through the CASP* RCT checklist in detail using a published RCT on a professions focused topic
OR sign up for our one of our MS Teams sessions on critically reading an article based on qualitative research
These workshops will:
- Introduce you to the key elements of critical appraisal
- Break down an answerable question?
- Look at some of the key features of qualitative research
- Go through an appropriate CASP* checklist in detail using a piece of qualitative research on a professions focused topic
*The CASP checklists are from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, Oxford Centre for Triple Value Healthcare
You will be asked to read an article we send out a few days before the session. Being familiar with it will make the session more enjoyable.
We will be focusing on various profession related research articles for our discussions but anyone interested in evaluating or appraising research is welcome to any session! The basic principles are the same for most health-related research.
For session dates visit the Library's Training page.