Do you want to understand more about your health condition, or how you can support a family member or friend? See below to find out how MPFT libraries can help you.
How can MPFT libraries help me?
All service users and carers are welcome to visit our libraries or contact us by email or phone. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.
We can help you to:
- Find information on health topics from trustworthy sources
- Find a health article you want to read
- Access quality health information websites and mobile apps
Our libraries are at St George's Hospital in Stafford and The Redwoods Centre in Shrewsbury. Staff are on site Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am to 5pm.
When you visit you can:
- Read a magazine or book from our service user collection. We have fiction, non-fiction, and self-help books for patients, service users and carers to borrow
- Use a computer and access the Wi-Fi
- Enjoy a relaxing space
- Chat with friendly staff who can help you find quality information
It is free to use most of our services. There are some charges of: 5p a sheet for photocopying/printing and £2 per article request.
Explore the rest of this webpage to find useful websites, self-help leaflets, and information about your local public library.
Use these tips to help choose between good and poor quality websites:
- Who has written the information? Does the organisation have a good reputation?
- Why have they published this information? Are they trying to sell you something?
- What information does this website contain? Is it accurate? Is it relevant for you?
- When was the information written or published? Is it up to date?
Some good general sources of health information are:
- The NHS website The first place to look for health information
- Expert health articles, tips and information
- Reading Well Books to help you understand and manage your health and wellbeing. You can borrow these from public libraries
- BMJ Best Practice If you work for MPFT, use this to find patient leaflets
Look at these websites for mental health information:
- Choice and Medication Find out about mental health conditions, treatments and medications
- Royal College of Psychiatrists Information on mental health problems and treatments
National charities, support groups and associations are great places to find mental and physical health information, advice and support. Take a look at these:
- Mind Information and support for people living with, or supporting someone with, a mental health problem
- Age UK Information, advice, companionship and support for older people
- Alzheimer’s Society Information, support and services for people living with dementia and their carers
- National Autistic Society Advice and guidance on topics such as what autism is, diagnosis, socialising and relationships
- Diabetes UK For people living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
- Stroke Association Learn about causes, risks, symptoms and effects of strokes, or find out how to access support
Or go to the NHS website and search for a condition. Sections on living with a condition often include links to organisations like these.
Click on the image to read, download and print self-help leaflets. Topics include stress, sleeping problems, panic, and more
Your local public library can help you with:
- Books and eBooks on health and care topics
- Your health and wellbeing
Most public libraries have:
- Computers and internet
- Printing and photocopying
- Staff on hand to help
- Books and audiobooks to borrow
- eBooks and e-audio services (such as e-audiobooks)
- Quiet spaces to sit and read
- Reading groups and activities which can help your wellbeing
- Research articles on health and other topics to read in the library using Access to Research
Public Libraries are open to anyone who lives, works or studies in the area. Most services are free. Find out more here: