In celebration of research in the Trust, the library are working together with the Research and Innovation team to create an annual list of staff publications. If you would like to submit a publication, please fill in the form below. To find out more about how the library supports researchers, please get in touch.
Research Publications
Contact information
Email: library
Stafford Library
St. George's Hospital,
Corporation Street,
ST16 3AG
what3words: ///knee.flag.tame
Telephone: 01785 221584 (ext. 7128908)
Redwoods Library
The Redwoods Centre,
Somerby Drive,
what3words: ///flinches.waving.then
Telephone: 01743 210110 (ext. 7064162)
Library spaces and online services available 24/7.
Library staff available remotely Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and on site Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.