What do the questionnaires tell you?
The first nine questions (PHQ9) indicate the potential severity of any depression symptoms you may be experiencing. The following seven questions (GAD7) indicate the potential severity of any anxiety symptoms.
Scoring above nine on the depression questions can indicate you may be experiencing symptoms of depression and seeking clarification from a health professional is advised. Likewise if you score above seven on the anxiety questions we would suggest the same course of action. Generally the higher the score the more severe and persistent your symptoms may be and we would encourage you to consider seeking support from us.
However, it is important to interpret these scores in relation to each other, as the scores themselves do not prove the existence of a particular symptom. The longer we don’t address an issue the more of an impact it can have on our day to day lives, so it may be better to take some time now rather than putting it off.
If you would like to refer yourself for an assessment with our team please complete the online self referral form or call us on 0300 123 6020.