Who is collecting the data?
The School Aged Immunisation Service at Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) is collecting information about your child to ensure we have up-to-date health information about their health at the time you are consenting for them to receive an immunisation. Their demographic information is used to ensure we identify their electronic health record accurately.
What data is being collected?
We ask for basic demographic data to allow us to identify them and their health record. The information about their health is utilised by the nurses to ensure that they can confirm that the immunisation is suitable for them.
What is the legal basis for processing the data?
UK GDPR articles 6(1)(e) and 9(2)(h) and the Data Protection Act 2018 allows for processing of your child’s data for the provision of direct healthcare and the management of healthcare systems.
Will the data be shared with any third parties?
We do not share your information with any individual or organisation outside of the National Health Service (NHS). Your child’s data will be shared with the following NHS third parties and systems for the purposes of maintaining your child’s health record for the safety of your child’s health:
- General Practice (GP) – this is to inform your GP of what vaccinations your child has received to avoid duplicate vaccination
- Child Health Informatics Service (CHIS) – this is the NHS Service that manage the uploading of children’s vaccination information.
- NHS Improvement & NHS England – a summary of how many children have been vaccinated is provided and the vaccination status of your child is shared for national reporting
How will the information be used?
We collect data on consent forms to allow us to record if you have consented to their immunisation and to assess your child’s eligibility and to allow the nurses to make decisions about the safe vaccination of your child.
How long will the data be stored for?
In line with the NHSX Records Management Code of Practice.
What rights does you have?
For further information, please view MPFT's Privacy Notice and go to the section called ‘Individuals Rights’
If have any questions or queries about this privacy notice, please contact infogov@mpft.nhs.uk