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Podopaediatrics is a specialist area of podiatry that specifically focuses on the developing lower limb in children. The service delivers specialist assessment and appropriate treatment, screening, advice and where necessary, onward referral, in order to improve quality of life. By assessing and treating lower limb musculoskeletal abnormalities in children, the ultimate aim is to prevent potentially debilitating and costly conditions in later life.
The service is available to children and young people aged 0-18 years of age who are registered with a GP associated in South Staffordshire, and who have a lower limb condition that is causing pain and/or compromising function
- The service provides specialist assessment and intervention for children and young people who present with lower limb conditions that cause pain, and/or compromise function, and impact on their quality of life.
- Specialist paediatric podiatrists have a specific interest and expertise in working with children and young people who present with a wide range of lower limb conditions.
- The service is delivered within the community at various clinic locations.
- The service provides specialist support, education, training and expert advice from diagnosis through to discharge and where appropriate transfer to adult services.
- The service assesses, discusses and delivers personalised care plans to meet individual objectives and reduce lower limb risk.
- We aim to reduce unnecessary paediatric hospital referrals; we work in partnership with other professionals where applicable to provide a multi-disciplinary approach.
- The service aims to enable individuals with disabilities and long term conditions to optimise quality of life and independence within the limits of their illness or condition.
- There is an emphasis on preventative intervention aimed at reducing potential problems in later life