This Formulary has been developed by the Medicines Optimisation Committee ("MOC") of Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, through the Formulary sub-committees. These sub-committees were time-limited, multi-disciplinary and utilised clinical expertise across the area. The remit was to review the existing Formulary specifically looking at any new guidance/evidence and also, where appropriate look at positioning of drugs within the Formulary. It is intended to fit with current good clinical practice across the Trust, and the evidence base. Responsibility for Formulary maintenance now reverts back to the on-going remit of the MOC. The Formulary is available online at netFormulary. netFormulary is new software which allows the Formulary to be kept up to date in real time and also has links to relevant guidance, MHRA drug updates, ensuring clinicians have timely access to the information they need.

The Formulary has been developed in collaboration with colleagues in primary care, so representatives from Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICB, and Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent ICB were members of the sub-committee.