Contact information


0300 123 0989 (Option 2)


Our service provides safe, responsive, and person-centred care to palliative and end of life patients aged 18 and over.

We aim to support rapid discharges from hospital, source safe and timely care for individuals who have had a rapid deterioration of health and are entering the terminal phase of life. We see ourselves as the backbone of palliative and end of life care across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, enabling health and social care providers to improve care delivery.

We take pride in the development and delivery of palliative and end of life training and education to the whole of MPFT and wider community services. We promote quality, innovation, multi-disciplinary decision making, and evidence-based practice. We are committed to providing holistic assessments and improving patient outcomes, putting communities at the heart of the service we provide.

We aim to:

  • educate and support staff in a variety of settings all across Staffordshire and beyond
  • provide leadership and facilitation on the implementation of end of life care initiatives
  • plan, organise, manage, and deliver aspects of End of Life care
  • ensure national palliative and end of life care initiatives are implemented
  • work in partnership with the Clinical Audit Teams to ensure effective evaluation
  • act as a resource working with and supporting clinicians in their practice
  • encourage and mentor staff in the implementation of changes to working practices
  • provide advice and support for staff
  • provide care and support for patients and their families
  • support the Integrated Care System as a key partner