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Occupational Therapy is the assessment and treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions using specific, purposeful activity to prevent disability and promote independent function in all aspects of daily life. Services are provided in the patient’s own place of residence or work.
The Occupational Therapy Team help patients to regain skills they may have lost following an illness or disability, for example, helping them to regain skills in washing and dressing, making and eating meals, getting on or off a bed/ toilet.
The service also helps patients with relaxation, anxiety and fatigue management, as well as helping patients who are returning to work and pursuing their leisure activities.
Social care occupational therapists are able to undertake assessments to enable individuals to have adaptations made to their homes and assess for and issue essential equipment required for people to maintain their independence. Specialist equipment is also provided where individuals meet the criteria.
Occupational therapy aims to provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people to improve or sustain their skills in activities of daily living (ADLs) in order to live as independently as possible.