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Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem and will affect most of us at some point during our lives. The neck is made of bones (vertebrae) separated by softer cartilage known as spinal discs. The neck, like all other joints, has ligaments, muscles and tendons that work together to support the neck and help perform movement. In most cases neck pain might just be caused by a simple strain to a muscle or ligament. 

Neck problems are normally caused by an injury, accident, or normal age-related changes and lifestyle factors. These include:

  • An accident or injury (e.g., following a fall or whiplash from a road traffic collision)
  • Sleeping awkwardly
  • Holding your neck in the same posture for too long (e.g., sitting slouched on the sofa, looking down at a laptop/mobile phone, painting and decorating)
  • Worry or stress
  • Having low levels of physical activity

The spine has two main functions; one is to perform and allow movement while the second is to cover and protect the spinal cord and nerves that serve the rest of the body. The many vertebrae and discs allow movement in all directions while still protecting the spinal cord.

Neck problems can cause a range of symptoms and can vary from person to person. For some people neck pain comes on suddenly, perhaps after an injury (e.g. a whiplash injury) or they can wake up with a painful stiff neck. For others, it may come on gradually over time and for no obvious reason. Some people get a dull pain in their neck, while others describe it as more severe. For most people with neck pain, some postures and activities make the pain worse, for example sitting for too long. Where other things help to relieve it, for example gently moving the neck. Most people find their neck pain improves by itself within a few weeks. 

The most common symptoms of neck pain are:

  • Pain in the back or sides of your neck, which can sometimes extend to the upper shoulder regions
  • Have tension headaches, where the pain can travel to the back of your head and sometimes into your ear or behind your eye
  • Have pain when resting or when moving
  • Have tightness in the muscles of your neck and upper shoulders, especially if you’ve been still such as sitting or sleeping in one position for a long time
  • Reduced mobility - your neck won’t turn as far as it normally does, for example when you try to look over your shoulder while reversing the car
  • The muscles and joint of the neck feel tender or tight to touch
  • Gentle activity may help relieve pain and increase your flexibility

Some people may describe clicking noises when moving the neck. This is called crepitus, and it can be caused by air bubbles popping, or tissues and bones moving over each other, in the joint. Other joints often do this too, and is a normal part of body movement, but noises from your neck usually seem louder because they’re happening closer to your ears. While this can sound alarming, it is a common symptom and should not limit your usual activity.

Exercise has been shown to be the most helpful treatment for on-going neck pain. Neck stretches and good posture tend to be useful and improve neck pain. Choose something that you like to do it and keep at it.

It is normal to experience some discomfort when doing exercises, and individuals may start at different points. Pain should not increase excessively during or immediately after the activity. Discomfort should return to pre-activity levels 24-48 hours after the activity has finished.

The number (reps) and frequency (sets) of exercises suggested here are a guide, and should be performed to your personal tolerable pain levels. This means repetitions will vary between individuals and you should only go as far as is reasonably comfortable for you.

Sitting_Posture.gifFinding a good sitting posture

Sit upright on a chair with your hands on your hips and your feet flat on the floor. Begin by slumping, rounding your shoulders and dropping your head. Your body weight should be settled through your tail bone. Gradually roll yourself upwards from your tail bone until your weight is through your seat bones. Lift your head up and look straight ahead. Bring your shoulders back and down, pushing your chest out a little. Repeat this movement. When you are sitting as tall as you can, relax back a little and hold. This is the pelvic neutral position.


Cervical_Rotation.gifCervical Rotation

Sit upright in a chair looking straight ahead. Look over one shoulder as far as you can, moving only your head, not your body. Return back to the starting position and then relax and repeat.


Cervical_Flexion_Extension.gifSeated cervical flexion and extension

Start by sitting with your neck and shoulders relaxed. Bring the chin towards your chest and look downwards. Slowly return to the centre. Continue to lift your chin upwards and look towards the ceiling. Then return to the starting position.


Cervical_Retraction_2.gifChin Tuck

Stand or sit straight, looking ahead, and place two fingers on your chin. Push your chin so that your head goes straight back, lengthening through the back of your neck, and keeping your eyes forwards. Hold, and then relax.

Structure of the Head and Neck