A wrist sprain occurs when the wrist moves to a position where it is overstretched. If the ligaments around the wrist reach their limit and the movement continues, the ligament can then become damaged. The most common way your wrist is sprained is a fall onto your wrist when it is in a bent position, however some pulling and pushing movements may also sprain the wrist.

Generated image of the wrist with a hotspot across the wrist shown the common area of symptomsThe most common symptoms associated with wrist sprains may include:

  • Pain, around the wrist joint
  • Tenderness when you touch the hand, wrist or lower arm
  • Swelling around the wrist joint
  • Bruising around the wrist joint
  • Pain restricting normal range of movement
  • Weakness or pain on use of the hand / wrist in activities such as carrying, pushing or pulling

Diagnosis is usually made from a consultation with your Health Care Professional, involving a detailed history of the onset of symptoms, current pattern of symptoms and your current functional ability.

An image/scan is generally not needed to confirm a wrist sprain however one may be performed if the Health Care Professional needs further information to finalise the diagnosis and rule out fracture.

The primary aim of treatment is to help manage your pain. This allows you to move more and help you return to normal activities sooner. Initial treatment therefore is aimed at pain control. This might involve pain medication, or the use of heat or cold treatments. Other treatment can include:

  • Reducing the strain on your hands if you have to complete very repetitive tasks/heavy lifting at work
  • Warm water soaks for your hands and fingers
  • Wearing gloves when going outside to reduce the impact of the cold

Once your pain is under control, working on the movement and strength of your fingers and hand is what will help long term.  

You can help to reduce pain, ease stiffness, strengthen your muscles and improve overall general fitness by keeping active. Below are some basic exercises specific to your fingers to get you started.

It is normal to experience some discomfort when doing exercises, and individuals may start at different points. Pain should not increase excessively during or immediately after the activity. Discomfort should return to pre-activity levels 24-48 hours after the activity has finished.

The number (reps) and frequency (sets) of exercises suggested here are a guide, and should be performed to your personal tolerable pain levels. This means repetitions will vary between individuals and you should only go as far as is reasonably comfortable for you.


Moving image of someone holding a ball and squeezing itGrip squeeze

Hold a ball in your hand. Squeeze the ball as hard as you can and hold. Allow your wrist to move in whichever direction feels natural.



Moving image of someone sat with the side of their hand on a table, bending and straightening the wristAROM wrist flexion/extension

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your thumb facing upright to the ceiling. Bend your wrist forwards, and then extend your wrist backwards, keeping your fingers relaxed throughout the whole movement.



Moving image of someone sat with their hand on a table, turning their hand overAROM forearm pronation/supination

Sit up straight with your forearm resting on a table. Try to turn your palm to face upwards. Then try to turn your palm to face down. Continue this movement. It is important the movement only comes from your forearm, so ensure you do not allow your upper arm or body to twist.



moving image of someone sat with their hand on a table, lifting one hand and pushing it back down with the otherIsometric wrist flexion

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your palm facing up. Place your other hand on the palm of your affected hand. Attempt to lift your affected wrist up, whilst resisting the movement with your good hand. Ensure you keep your forearm in contact with the table. Hold this position.


moving image of someone sat with their hand on a table, lifting one hand and pushing it back down with the otherIsometric wrist extension

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your palm facing down. Place your other hand on the back of your affected hand. Attempt to lift your affected wrist up, whilst resisting the movement with your good hand. Ensure you keep your forearm in contact with the table. Hold this position.

You should see a Health Care Professional if you: 

  • Have pain that doesn’t show any signs of improvement, within a couple of weeks of self help
  • Have pain that has rapidly deteriorated or suddenly worsened despite self help
  • Have a history of inflammatory arthritis, immuno-suppression, cancer, Tuberculosis (TB), drug abuse, AIDS or other infection
  • Feel unwell, have a fever, or unexplained weight loss
  • Are experiencing significant and regular changes to your usual sleeping pattern
  • Have any tingling or loss of sensation in your hand or wrist 
  • Notice changes to your grip strength and are frequently dropping things
  • Have severe pain after trauma, such as a fall, collision, or impact to the wrist or hand
  • Notice your fingers becomes acutely red hot and swollen without any prior explanation of activity/overuse  

If you do not have any of the above, you may be able to effectively self manage your condition