Heat treatment

If you suffer from the following conditions please discuss the use of heat treatment with a Health Care Professional before using,  

  • Heart condition e.g. Angina  
  • Peripheral vascular disease  
  • High temperature / acute infection  
  • Loss of sensation to hot / cold e.g over areas of scar tissue or numb areas or nerve damage
  • Skin conditions such as: Dermatitis, eczema, broken skin.  
  • Previous reaction to using heat
  • Poor circulation  
  • History of cancer or tumour 

The use of heat treatment

The use of heat is normally used to increase blood flow / circulation, reduce pain, ease stiffness, warm up muscles before exercise, relax muscles when tense and decrease muscle spasm.  

Methods for applying heat

  • Hot packs / wheat bags
  • Hot water bottle
  • Hot bath/shower
  • Whirlpool

How to apply safely  

  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for heating wheat bags / heat packs safely
  • Make sure the hot water bottle / wheat pack is wrapped in towelling and has sufficient layers to avoid burns (never use boiling water)  
  • Check the skin regularly for signs of skin irritation / burns 
  • Do not go to sleep whilst using heat treatment.  
  • Leave on for 10 - 15 minutes and then remove.  
  • Heat treatment may be repeated up to three times a day  
  • If using hot water in a bowl (for your hand or foot) – the temperature should be between 40 - 45° C