Drawing of the elbow labelling the location of Golfers elbow.Golfer's elbow (medically known as Medial Epicondylopathy) is a condition of the tendons in your forearm that go from the wrist to elbow. These tendons and muscles not only bend your wrist, they also work to stabilize the wrist as you grip. 

Golfer's elbow commonly gives you pain on the inside of your elbow (see image). If you feel pain on the outside of your elbow, please see Tennis Elbow.

It tends to be an issue related to repetitive or sustained activities (with or without weight) involving the wrist and hand. Common activities may involve gripping, twisting or using computer mouse.

Often an umbrella term of tendinopathy is used (see our Tendinopathy information leaflet for more information).

The level of pain can vary from person to person, some people experience mild symptoms whilst others can feel quite severe pain.  

The most common symptoms are: 

  • Pain on the inside of the elbow, especially when moving the wrist
  • Pain on gripping, lifting and repetitive activities using the hand, such as lifting the kettle
  • Weakness on gripping and/or twisting
  • Tenderness to pressure or when knocking your elbow on something

The primary aim of treatment is to help manage your pain. This allows you to move more and help you return to normal activities sooner. Initial treatment therefore is aimed at pain control. This might involve pain medication, the use of heat or cold treatments.

Once your pain is under control, working on the movement and strength of your wrist and forearm is what will help long term.  

You can help to reduce pain, ease stiffness, strengthen your muscles and improve overall general fitness by keeping active. Below are some basic exercises specific to your wrist and forearm to get you started.

Take Pain Medication

Pain medication, like paracetamol or ibuprofen, may help Golfer's Elbow pain short-term. 

Drawing of an epiclasp being wornWear an Epiclasp 

You may find an epiclasp useful to offload the tendon whilst doing activities and enable you to carry on with your regular activities or work without aggravating your pain. You can buy an Epiclasp online or from pharmacies. 

Activity modification

Initial treatment may include a period of relative rest. You may not need to stop your activities completely; but you may have to modify the duration, load or frequency in order to prevent aggravation of the tendons. For example, using a computer mouse or ergonomic mouse instead of the laptop trackpad, reducing the amount of weight lifted, taking more regular breaks, using your other hand to do a little more in the short term. 

It is normal to experience some discomfort when doing exercises, and individuals may start at different points. Pain should not increase excessively during or immediately after the activity. Discomfort should return to pre-activity levels 24-48 hours after the activity has finished.

The number (reps) and frequency (sets) of exercises suggested here are a guide, and should be performed to your personal tolerable pain levels. This means repetitions will vary between individuals and you should only go as far as is reasonably comfortable for you.


moving image of someone sat with their hand on a table, lifting one hand and pushing it back down with the otherIsometric wrist flexion

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your palm facing up. Place your other hand on the palm of your affected hand. Attempt to lift your affected wrist up, whilst resisting the movement with your good hand. Ensure you keep your forearm in contact with the table. Hold this position.


Moving image of someone sat with their hand on a table, turning their hand overAROM forearm pronation/supination

Sit up straight with your forearm resting on a table. Try to turn your palm to face upwards. Then try to turn your palm to face down. Continue this movement. It is important the movement only comes from your forearm, so ensure you do not allow your upper arm or body to twist.



Moving image of someone standing, bending and straightening their elbowStanding Elbow Flexion/Extension

Stand. Bend your elbow and then straighten your elbow.

You should also see a Health Care Professional if you:

  • Have pain that doesn’t show any signs of improvement, within a couple of weeks of self help
  • Have pain that has rapidly deteriorated or suddenly worsened despite self help
  • Have pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in your face or arms
  • You are dropping objects more often due to weakness in your grip
  • Develop sudden stiffness in the elbow resulting in a lack of movement 
  • Are experiencing double vision, dizziness, nausea or sudden fainting
  • Are noticing changes with your speech and/or difficulty swallowing
  • Are noticing changes to your balance or walking pattern 
  • Are feeling clumsy or are falling more often
  • Have a history of inflammatory arthritis, immuno-suppression, cancer, Tuberculosis (TB), drug abuse, AIDS or other infection
  • Feel unwell, have a fever, or unexplained weight loss
  • Are experiencing significant and regular changes to your usual sleeping pattern
  • Have a history of recent injury (e.g. from a road traffic accident or a fall) or a history of arm, hand or wrist surgery
  • Have a new and visible deformed or misshapen elbow

If you do not have any of the above, you may be able to effectively self-manage your condition