You will be seen on admission by a qualified nurse and doctor. They will discuss with you what has led to you being admitted to hospital and suggest options for treatment.

  • You will be shown around the unit and to your bedroom. At this point a property check will need to be undertaken, ensuring any harmful items are put away for safekeeping e.g. razors, tweezers, mirrors, phone chargers, to ensure the safety of you and all other occupants of the unit. Each mum has their own locker where such items are kept and you can access this via the staff.
  • The admitting nurse will ensure your personal details are recorded accurately, devise a care plan, ensure a medication supply is sourced from pharmacy, discuss observation level and formulate a care plan for this.
  • A doctor will carry out a physical examination and the nursing staff will take your temperature, pulse, blood pressure and test your urine. This will be undertaken within 4 hours of admission.
  • At the earliest opportunity you will be introduced to your primary nurse / keyworker.