Visiting information
Your family and friends, including children, are very welcome to visit. Children visiting must be arranged with the nurse in charge and are the responsibility of the adult who accompanies them to the unit, and must be supervised at all times. There is a crèche and enclosed garden where visiting children can play but they must be supervised.
Visiting hours
Ward visiting times are from 3pm to 8pm on week days. We advise you do not have large numbers of visitors at any one time as this can be tiring and disruptive to yourself and others.
All visitors are asked to leave the ward by 8pm in order that you can be settled for the night.
Visitors to the unit will only be allowed to enter once their identity has been confirmed by yourself.
You have the right to refuse visitors if you wish.
You can see your visitors in the bedroom, if appropriate, dining room (outside of meal times) and group rooms at the end of the unit. Visitors are not allowed into the Lounge as it is protected space.
Mothers and their babies need as much support and help from friends and families as possible, particularly if they are suffering from mental health problems. We are therefore very keen to keep close family and friends informed and involved in the care we are providing.
We advise that you attend the group activities as arranged at the beginning of the week community meeting and your visitors are welcome to care for your baby at these times, if appropriate.
There is a carers support group run on the ward which offers a safe place to meet and talk, share experiences and concerns about illness and care, information to gain a better understanding of illness and care, information to gain a better understanding of illness related to motherhood and help to raise awareness and reduce stigma
Bringing food and drink into the hospital
If you wish to bring food for your relatives or friends staying in hospital, please see the information on the Bringing Food and Drink into Hospitals page.