The Specialist Learning Disability Directorate consists of community services for adults with learning disabilities with complex health needs. There are three teams that cover Staffordshire and one team that covers Shropshire. There are also two Intensive Support teams which cover South Staffordshire and Shropshire.

The purpose of the Community Learning Disability teams (CLDT) is to provide services which are person-centred, responsive to the holistic needs of the service user and to work closely with partners to promote health and wellbeing. The teams provide episodes of care to address specific issues related to the health of the individual. The CLDT normally works between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday, although there is some flexibility depending on the reason for referral. Outside of working hours each base has a recorded message giving details of how to obtain help.

Community Learning Disability teams are multi-disciplinary and consist of nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, health facilitators, acute liaison nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists. There are also health care support workers in South Staffordshire and Shropshire and assistant practitioners in Shropshire.

The directorate is part of the Specialist Care Group and services are overseen by the Head of Operations for the Care Group.