Contact information

Children and Families Single Point of Access (CaFSPA)

The CaFSPA, often referred to as the hub, is a central point of contact for Staffordshire families and young people:

Freephone 0808 178 0611 (option 1)

ChatHealth Text Messaging Service
Parents/ Carers text: 07520 615722
For young people living in Staffordshire, text 07520 615721

The Families Health and Wellbeing 0-19 service is the integrated Health Visiting and School Nursing service for Staffordshire.

This service seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families and improve school readiness.

It offers a balance of self-support, support from professionals and from the wider community. This includes using digital technology to meet the individual needs of busy modern families. See below for further details of what we offer.

Feedback from parents/carers and young people

What we offer

All families in Staffordshire will be offered an antenatal contact from the Health Visiting team, a new birth visit at home, and a 6 week, 9-12 months, and 2-to-2-and-a-half-year development review. When your child starts school, you will receive information about your child's health. Weight and height reviews will be offered in reception and year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.

Families requiring extra support will have a named Health Visitor or School Nurse from the strengthening families team.

In addition to these routine contacts parents and young people can contact us for support or advice on by calling the hub, texting our chat health service or attending one of our drop-in clinics. We also have active Facebook and Instagram sites - see below for links, further information and contact details.