Contact information

Children and Families Single Point of Access (CaFSPA)

The CaFSPA, often referred to as the hub, is a central point of contact for Staffordshire families and young people:

Freephone 0808 178 0611 (option 1)

ChatHealth Text Messaging Service
Parents/ Carers text: 07520 615722
For young people living in Staffordshire, text 07520 615721

Parents and carers of children aged 5-19 are invited to attend local community drop ins, where you can speak to your child’s school nurse about your child's health. A Community Drop-in is an open access, confidential service that provides parents with the opportunity to “drop-in” without an appointment to discuss any aspects of your child’s health or wellbeing with a member of the team.

Young people who are not attending school, in employment or training can also attend these clinics.  

Advertised sessions within a school setting are for the young people attending that school.