Prohibited items
Prohibited items are excluded because their makeup or properties could be hazardous. This may be because they could be used to harm others, because of their harmful properties (such as drugs or alcohol) or their illegality.
Restricted items
Restricted items may also be potentially hazardous. This may be because they could be used to cause distress, to self-harm or to harm others. These items may be restricted but not excluded because they can be valuable tools in encouraging normalisation and resisting institutionalisation, providing rehabilitative, social, educational, recreational and diversionary value. These items will be risk assessed.
Access to some restricted items is a necessary function of forensic inpatient services in order to facilitate aspects of patient treatment and rehabilitation. Patients will be preparing for safe transfer to care in the community; this requires increasing exposure to restricted items that may be freely available in the destination/setting. Individual risk assessments/mitigation plans will be completed.
Access to E-Cigarettes by inpatients will be permitted following a risk assessment and approval from the MDT and managed within the guidelines set out in “The use of e-cigarettes/vapes for inpatients to assist in the management of the Smokefree Policy”.
Mobile phones
The use of mobile phones by inpatients within the secure areas will be permitted following risk assessment and approval from the MDT and managed within the guidelines outlined within the “Use of Mobile Phones by Patients on in-patient areas” SOP.
Please note that other than inpatients with access to mobile phones, no staff, visitors or professional visitors are permitted to enter the secure areas with a mobile phone.
Please see Contraband Items List for more information.