Our primary sites are located in
- Stafford
- Shrewsbury
We provided satellite clinics in some localities to help people who may not be able to travel. These clinics may have a lengthy waiting period.
Our primary sites are located in
We provided satellite clinics in some localities to help people who may not be able to travel. These clinics may have a lengthy waiting period.
CBT-E is a time-limited treatment that offers an opportunity for you to become skilled in your eating disorders. It is the leading evidence-based treatment for adults with an eating disorder.
Data indicates that around two-thirds of people who complete treatment make an excellent response. There is no reason why you should not be in this group so long as you commit to treatment and give it priority.
The treatment is a one-to-one talking type of treatment that primarily focuses on what is keeping the eating problem going. It is therefore mainly concerned with the present and future. It addresses the origins of the problem as needed.
The treatment will be tailored to your specific eating problem and your needs. You and your therapist will need to become experts on your eating problems and what is keeping going. It is important that there are as few breaks in treatment as possible because we want to establish what we call 'momentum' in which we work from session to session to break into your eating problem. We need to take this into account when thinking when it would be best for treatment to start.
Each appointment will last just under 1 hour. For everyone's sake it is important that appointments start and end on time. Your therapist will make sure that he / she is ready at the due time, and we request that you do the same.
If you are unable to attend a specific appointment, please let us know as a soon as possible so that we can reschedule the appointment and offer someone else the time slot.
You and your therapist will be working together as a team to help you overcome your eating problem. You will both agree on specific tasks for you to undertake between each session. These tasks are very important and will need to be given priority; it is what you do between sessions that will govern, to a large extent, how much you benefit from treatment.
Since you may have had an eating problem for quite a while, it is really important that you make the most of the opportunity to change, otherwise that problem is likely to persist.
Treatment will be hard work but it will be worth it. The more you put in, the more you will get out.
Beat provides helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in the UK beat their eating disorders. Visit Beat Eating Disorders for more information.
Our Adult Eating Disorders Service are pleased to be working with Beat to offer additional support to patients and their carers via two bespoke courses. Speak to one of our team if you would like to sign up to either.
The SharED course is a free and confidential service for our Adult Eating Disorder service users that provides ongoing one-to-one support at your own pace from someone with lived-experience of an eating disorder, and trained by Beat to provide support, encouragement, and to signpost you to resources you might find helpful in your recovery. Your matched befriender will be available via email for up to 6 months. Correspondence is moderated by Beat to ensure your safety and wellbeing, and that you and your befriender aren't identified beyond first names.
You can ask to start the SharED course anytime during the year as we have a rolling registration.
Developing Dolphins is a free course for anyone caring in a personal capacity for a loved one currently being seen by our Adult Eating Disorders Service. The course is based on the principles of the New Maudsley method developed by leading expert Professor Janet Treasure. Developing Dolphins is run over five weeks, with weekly 2.5-hour online sessions, and delivered by clinicians who work directly with people with eating disorders. Over the five weekly sessions, you'll find out more about eating disorders, gain an understanding of the driving forces behind them, and learn some techniques to help your loved one in recovery and look after your own wellbeing.