We are not commissioned to see the following medical conditions:
- Obesity (except 0 to 2 years of age)
- Eating Disorders or Disordered Eating
- Fussy eating or behavioural feeding difficulties
- ADHD, additive free diets without growth or other nutritional concerns
- Exclusion diets for lifestyle reasons e.g. vegetarian or vegan diets without growth or other nutritional concerns
- Metabolic conditions such as Cystic Fibrosis or Phenylketonuria, these children should be seen in a specialist unit by a multidisciplinary team
- General Healthy Eating Advice unless as part of the above referral criteria
- Diabetes
Referral criteria
Referrals are only accepted from healthcare professionals.
Links to useful information
Bitesize information
- Understanding sensory sensitivity (foodrefusal.co.uk)
- Understanding tube feeding and impact on oral feeding (foodrefusal.co.uk)
- Bitesize Education Leaflet - Cow’s Milk Introduction (Milk Ladder) (MPFT)
- Bitesize Education Guide - Cow’s Milk (MPFT)
- Bitesize Education Guide - Does my child have a Cow’s Milk Allergy? (MPFT)
- Working with sensory sensitivity at home (foodrefusal.co.uk)
Useful websites
- ARFID Awareness UK
- Endeavour - ARFID carer support group (beateatingdisorders.org.uk)
- Early Feeding Guidance (bsaci.org)
Fussy eater
- Further Information & Hand Outs on Fussy Eating in Children (patientwebinars.co.uk)
- Webinars on Fussy Eating in Children (patientwebinars.co.uk)
- Parent Workshop - When Children Won't Eat - Free 2 hour webinar (sosapproachtofeeding.com)