The Paediatric Dietetic team provides a specialist service to children (0 to 18 years, or 25 years for children with an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP)) and their families with a wide range of special dietary needs in the community across South Staffordshire.

Paediatric Dietitians use the most up-to-date research on food and nutrition in health and disease, and translate this into practical and understandable dietary treatment for clients and families to follow on a day to day basis. This includes children struggling to gain weight, allergic to foods, or needing to be fed artificially.

Referral criteria

•    Faltering growth (please speak to your Health Visitor or GP)
•    Complex feeding difficulties, including children who require home enteral (tube) feeding
•    Diagnosed cow’s milk protein allergy when confirmed by a GP or consultant
•    Restrictive diets (fewer than 5 foods)


We are not commissioned to see the following medical conditions:

  • Obesity
  • Eating Disorders or Disordered Eating
  • Fussy eating or behavioural feeding difficulties
  • ADHD, additive free diets without growth or other nutritional concerns
  • Exclusion diets for lifestyle reasons e.g. vegetarian or vegan diets without growth or other nutritional concerns
  • Metabolic conditions such as Cystic Fibrosis or Phenylketonuria, these children should be seen in a specialist unit by a multidisciplinary team
  • General Healthy Eating Advice unless as part of the above referral criteria
  • Diabetes



Dietetics (Children) Contact Details

Phone numbers, fax and email