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Our team will carry out the '8 Care Process' on behalf of the GP Practice and target patients whose checks are due or overdue.
The service is currently in an 18-month pilot, using COVID-19 recovery funding, and seeks to:
- implement an effective, integrated pathway (8 Care Processes and eye screening) for diabetic patients across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent
- ensure that patients are identified through working with primary care and commissioners, and are screened promptly
- increase the numbers of patients with diabetes (type one and two) accessing routine care processes whilst integrating this with eye screening where possible
- avoid diabetes related deterioration or complications
- ensure people are supported to meet their treatment targets
- ensure we have a workforce that is skilled to deliver the integrated model
- put the patient at the heart of the delivery model
- the service is also geared towards addressing health inequalities and ensuring those individuals with diabetes who don't readily access healthcare services can undergo these checks
- wherever possible, the service is looking to align the 8 Care Processes and Diabetic Eye Screenings