CIS South Staffordshire
The CIS operates in South Staffordshire and combines a number of different professionals from social care services and the health service.
These multidisciplinary, integrated teams provide support to people who require a period of short term intervention (usually two days to six weeks). This could be following a planned or unplanned admission to hospital, or to avoid an unnecessary admission to hospital, or long term care. This service aims to minimise dependency as is safe.
The team structures vary depending on location, however, they are overseen by an integrated service manager who is supported by team leaders. Where there is a hospital, the service is split into two distinct teams - hospital and community.
The hospital discharge team focus on supporting safe, swift and effective discharge from hospital, whilst the community team focus on supporting people in their own homes, or other suitable rehabilitation setting, to avoid admission to hospital or long term care. According to local staffing, this includes intermediate care, enablement and recommendations for domiciliary care support and follow on support if necessary.
The team consists of:
- Social workers
- Social care assessors
- Occupational therapists
- Occupational therapy technicians/assistants
- Physiotherapists / physio-technicians
- Community / district nurses
- Healthcare assistants
- Integrated support workers
- Reablement workers
- Community psychiatric nurses
- Mental health workers