The steps below describe the expected route of your referral and what you can expect:
We accept self-referrals as well as referrals from professionals supporting individuals.
MDT review
The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) will determine whether an individual needs a diagnostic assessment and therefore whether they should progress through the process, and if a diagnosis is not needed, determining which pathway would be more appropriate. This is a clinically led process which helps personalise the assessment for each person with autism.
The Assessment
The assessment brings in skills from a range of professionals, diagnostic tools, and observations to determine if someone is autistic or may need to be assessed for something else.
Where it is possible we aim to involve a family member, partner, carer, or use documentary evidence (such as school reports) of current and past behaviour and early development in the assessment.
We also use direct observation of core autism signs and symptoms, including formal assessment tools where appropriate.
We aim to provide an assessment which is tailored to the individual. The number of appointments may vary according to each assessment.
Report and Outcome
At this stage, a report is written explaining the outcome, making recommendations where appropriate.
A draft report is shared with the individual in the first instance, and they are then able to meet with the professionals again when they have read the report to discuss further.
A summary of this assessment is shared with your GP.
Post-diagnostic support
If the outcome of the assessment is a formal diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, post-diagnostic support is tailored according to individual need and may, in part, be delivered through collaborations with other teams or organisations.
Onward referrals for support (including for people without autism) also happen here.