How much do courses cost?
All courses at the Wellbeing and Recovery College are free to attend for all of our students.
How long are the courses?
Courses vary in length. Some are one off sessions, others can be weekly for up to 6 sessions. Course duration is a maximum of 3 hours once a week.
How many courses can I apply for at once?
You may book on up to three courses each term, this enables all students to be able to access the courses that are on offer, as well as ensuring that the amount of courses you book on to is manageable for you.
Of course, you are welcome to let us know if there are additional courses that you are interested in at any time. We can then add you to the waiting list and you will have the option of booking on these additional courses next term, subject to availability. This can be discussed while developing your Individual Learning Plan.
Are there any entry requirements to enrol as a student at the Wellbeing and Recovery College?
There are no entry requirements, all of our courses are free and open to all, regardless of your educational background or experience.
What do I do if I want further information about a course?
Please feel free to contact us 01785 221257 or 07891 099460, or email us We are always happy to talk to you regarding any information you may need.
Why are we called a 'Wellbeing and Recovery College'?
Our Wellbeing and Recovery College is one of many such colleges across the UK, we provide recovery-focused education courses that are accessible to everyone in our local communities. Our courses focus on both mental and physical health and wellbeing and provide a safe space for shared learning.
How is the content of the course designed?
All of our courses are co-designed and co-facilitated by both a Peer Trainer with lived experience of mental health challenges or caring for someone with mental health challenges, and a professional with experience of working with people with challenges linked to the subject of the course.
What if I find I need support with my learning once the course has started?
If the course you are attending is in-person, please contact us via phone or email as soon as possible and we will be happy to discuss your support needs further.
If the course you are attending is online, then please send a private chat message to the Course Mentor during the training session who will gladly assist you with any technical support, as well as provide general health and wellbeing support as required.
Will courses return to classrooms?
Our long term aim is to offer a balance of online and face-to-face courses, and this blended approach began in Spring Term 2022.
We are continuously working to increase the in-person courses gradually over time, alongside our online courses, to offer all students a choice of how they would like to attend.
All in-person courses will be subject to government guidelines at the time, and we will let you know if there are any changes to courses that you have booked onto.
What if I need support with my mental wellbeing whilst attending the Wellbeing and Recovery College?
The Wellbeing and Recovery College is set up and run as a Further Education provider. Therefore we do not provide clinical interventions or therapy, as we expect you to be able to access support outside of the college.
If you are feeling unwell or distressed while attending a course it is important that you speak with us as soon as possible. We will have access to your Personal Support Plan, which can be developed with you during your enrolment to ensure that you receive the support you need.
If I require additional support, is there any extra help available?
During your Individual Learning Plan, or at any point whilst you are a student with us, you can ask us to complete a Personal Support Plan with you. This can be used to make us aware of any additional support that we can offer to you before, during or after any courses that you attend with our college and we will also be able to share this information with the trainers and course mentor to ensure they are aware of how best to support you during the session.
I have specific requirements such as large print, or an interpreter. Is this possible?
We endeavour to do everything we can to meet your needs. As long as you let us know in advance of attending your course, we will do all we can to support your requirements. Please talk to us during your Individual Learning Plan, or at any point via telephone or email, regarding any specific requirements that you may have.
I use mental health services. Do I need to be referred by my community team?
No. We do not have a system for referrals as although the college is designed for people with lived and professional experience of mental health services, we operate the same as any other further education establishment. Your local team may recommend us to you but they cannot refer. All are welcome to share their learning journey together with no discrimination or distinction.
I work for the Trust and am interested in some of the courses. Can I enrol?
The Wellbeing and Recovery College is free and open to all who are over 18, including those who work for the Trust. One of the things that make our Wellbeing and Recovery College so unique is that it is truly collaborative. When you enrol into the college you will not be labelled as a ‘Service User’, ‘Carer’ or ’Professional’ - you will simply be considered a student. You may wish to learn more to help your practice or to gain knowledge to help you to manage your own wellbeing. Everyone learns together and from each other.
I care for someone who uses services. Can I enrol?
Our courses are designed for anyone who cares for someone, for people who use our services, people who work in them, and those who are simply interested in recovery-based learning.
Can I attend courses to support someone else?
We thoroughly welcome you to have someone with you to support you on our courses, whether these are in person or online, if you feel that you would benefit from this.
However, they would also need to be enrolled as a student with the college, book a place on the course for themselves and be present during the training session.
The reason for this is primarily to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students on the course, in terms of safeguarding and duty of care. It is also important for audit purposes as we need to keep a record of every student who attends the courses.