This is our Charter, it outlines how we, as an organisation will communicate our shared vision and has been developed in partnership with staff, service users, carers and partners. It defines the responsibilities of the organisation and the responsibilities of service users and carers.
As a service user or carer you can expect:
- To be treated as an individual and with RESPECT at all times.
- To be treated in an environment that nurtures HONESTY AND TRUST; even if the conversation is a difficult one. We will be honest about what we can and cannot do and provide you with information in a timely manner to help promote choice and control.
- To be treated or support by staff who strive to provide a CARING AND COMPASSIONATE environment for all; demonstrating empathy in all relationships, support you when things are tough and ensuring we get it right for you every time.
- That staff will ensure you have THE TIME TO TALK AND will actively LISTEN to you and seek to understand your needs and expectations. Staff will encourage you to participate in decisions around care and service development.
- Teams and professionals to WORK TOGETHER to ensure that you are involved in decisions that affect you; ensuring that your mental and physical health needs are met together.
In return we expect you as a service user or carer to:
- Show RESPECT to everyone with whom you interact, recognising and embracing the value and contribution of others
- Demonstrate that you are HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY at all times, providing accurate information about your health, condition and status to help us to help you
- Show empathy for other service users and carers and behave in a CARING AND COMPASSIONATE way at all times
- Take the TIME TO TALK and LISTEN, your feedback and involvement is important to us and will help us to develop our services
- WORK TOGETHER with staff and professionals recognising that you can make a significant contribution to your own health and wellbeing, and take personal responsibility for it.