This page contains the guidance and support materials for carrying out video consultations with patients/service users/clients.
Our how to guides and videos will support your video consultations online with your clinician. This will make it easier and stress free when joining your consultation.
You will be able to access video consultations if you have a:
mobile phone with a camera or
tablet device with a camera or
laptop with a camera or
PC with a camera
Below are two documents to support you with joining Teams meetings hosted by MPFT.
RiO Video Consultation allows the clinician to meet with the patient via a video consultation which takes place on Teams. This page contains guidance and support materials for carrying out video consultations with patients / service users / clients.
Why use RiO Video Consultation?
RiO Video Consultation is linked to Microsoft Teams. You can review your joining settings before each consultation.
The waiting room process enables patients to join a room and wait for a consultation
The soft front-end approach simplifies access for patients
The waiting room approach removes risk of any retention period risks of storing personal data as the platform doesn’t store patient details
Recordings of any sessions can be undertaken against agreed retention periods.
If a video consultation via OneConsultation is offered, here is some guidance: