We feel that it is important to make you feel at ease during your appointments to reduce and stress and anxiety. This showcases some of our videos from the various services within MPFT. We have also created videos on how to get to certain sites as we know that many of our services users and carers can find it difficult to locate wards and appointment locations.
We have the following location videos which we look to expand:
St Chad's House - CLDT Team
St Chad's House - Adult Eating Disorder Team
Cross Street Clinic - CAMHS Team
Haywood Hospital
The Flanagan Centre
The Redwoods Centre
Fuller House, Hall Court
Severn Fields Health Village
Ellesmere House
How to find your appointment location
What to expect during your appointment
Listed below are videos created with our MPFT Services to provide an accurate video on what to expect during at your appointment. Our team have created some really useful videos which will put your mind at rest when visiting various MPFT services.