Training & Development
The SWLA compliments other organisational training programmes, however it is specific to all levels of the Social Care workforce and includes:
- Care Certificate
- Students & Apprenticeships
- Assisted Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)
- Think Ahead
- Practice Educators
- Practice Mentor Assessors
- Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP)
The Return to Practice Programme is a complement to this portfolio reaching out to those of you who have qualified as a Social Worker but have been out of practice for some time and are now looking to reignite the passion for Social Work as a career. If you have recently registered with Social Work England we are especially keen to hear from you.
Business Support
Behind the scenes of the Social Work Learning Academy are our fantastic Business Support colleagues who ensure the smooth running of all administration elements that support our workforce.
Helping you to get the best start to your career with us via our centralised recruitment support to applicants pre and post interview
- Coordinating and supporting your My Time Meetings in line with your personal development planning and career pathway
- Providing you with access to our annual Inspirational Learning & Development Prospectus promoting vast opportunities for learning
- Creating a warm welcome via our SWLA 'meet and greet' as part of your well structured and comprehensive induction
- Ensuring you have all the necessary learning materials and support to enable you to achieve your career development aspirations and goals when you need it
- Following appointment, ensuring you have all the necessary equipment that you need to enable you to make the best possible start with us
- Acting as a responsive central point of help with any queries you may have
- Help and support with your ongoing opportunities for career progression
- Providing you with opportunities to also enable others including Practice Assessing / Practice Educating
- Signposting you to other sources of learning materials or information that you would find useful
- Providing you with a full record of all your learning and development achievements via our CPD Passports which are constantly updated
- Supporting you with your portfolio building and with re-registration and re-approval requirements
- Helping and supporting with how to get the best out of the Social Work Learning Academy dedicated SharePoint site
- Ensuring you are up-to-date at all times with contemporary and key information via our weekly Social Work Learning Academy briefing
- Signposting you to other sources of learning materials or information that you would find useful
Contact Us
Social Work Learning Academy
Midland Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Coach House
WS13 6EF