SWLA Logo.pngThe Social Work Learning Academy (SWLA) provides all levels of social work and social care staff a dedicated social care centre of excellence. Anyone joining our organisation is automatically enrolled into the academy.

We have around 700 active members, and this number is constantly rising.

Employee development is a continuous process and membership of the SWLA is a lifetime one, encouraging you to continue to develop and flourish within your Social Care career. Members of the SWLA have access to regular 'My Time Meetings' led by our Principal Social Workers, which dovetail and complement existing organisation supervision, Annual Appraisals, and interim reviews. They are employee driven and purposefully maintain an active interest in your Continued Professional Development.

Membership of the SWLA provides:

  • Support around career development and aspirations
  • Access to Continued Professional Development via our extensive Annual Training Prospectus
  • Assistance with Social Work Registration
  • Access to Information Advice & Guidance (IAG) and Quality Assurance Frameworks
  • Access to Statutory Social Care Professional Guidance
  • Guidance on Staff Health & Wellbeing
  • Career progression discussions is available via regular opportunities to meet with senior members of staff, we call them 'My Time Meetings'
  • Individual learning and development programmes
  • Individual learning and development career pathways including pathways to career progression
  • Comprehensive Training & Development Prospectus dedicated to social work and social care
  • Access to an Inspirational leadership and management Programme