MPFT’s Health and Justice Services are responsible for delivering a broad range of Health and Justice services across many different settings; in Police custody, courts, prison and in the community.

A woman stands in a reception area.At MPFT we deliver the following services:

  • Integrated Offender Health Services
  • Integrated Offender Management Services
  • Offender Personality Disorder Services
  • Youth Offending Services
  • Inclusion (Prison services)

The services provide care at various stages of the Justice Pathway:

Police - Liaison and Diversion and Youth Offending teams work within police custody settings.

Court - Staff working with individuals (18+) to support their Mental Health Treatment requirements as an alternative approach to a custodial sentence.

Addiction Services - Our teams can support with Mental Health issues from: Drug and alcohol, Gambling, Learning disabilities and Housing or employment.

Prison - Staff work within prisons to providing mental health and psychosocial support in a prison setting.

Post release - Working with individuals to provide support post release and integrating individuals back into the community.