Who can be a member?
- Our staff
- Anyone who lives in our local community
- The people who use our services and their families, friends and carers
- People from other parts of the country who have an interest in our services – because we provide specialist services to people across the country, we can offer membership nationally
- Colleagues from other organisations who work with us to provide services and look after our patients
Does it cost anything?
No, it is free.
Will I get a better service?
Members do not get any special treatment or access to services.
Will it take up a lot of time?
Only as much as you are able to offer. Some members just receive information. You don't have to attend meetings or events if you didn't want to.
If you wanted to be elected to the Council of Governors you would have more responsibilities and would need to give more time.
What does it mean to be a Member?
As a Member you would:
- Be interested in your local NHS services and want to have a say in how they are run.
- Be consulted from time to time on plans for significant changes.
- Be able to give your views on a variety of issues relevant to the running of our services.
- Be able to elect your representatives to serve on the Council of Governors.
- Be able to stand for election to the Council of Governors (to find out more about this, call 01785 783068 or email membership@mpft.nhs.uk).
- Be able to put yourself forward to be a non-executive director.
Anything else I need to know about being a Member?
As a Member you would not bear any financial or legal responsibility for the work of the Trust, that remains with the Trust's Board of Directors.
Members would not receive a dividend, bonus or any special benefits in terms of NHS care or treatment.
Are there any more benefits?
- Access to library facilities
- Access to focus groups and online self help material
- Influence and support the Trust and promote real community engagement
- Have access to a members' post-box - post, email or ring through ideas for improving services
- Vote in Council of Governors elections and have the opportunity to stand as a Governor Member
- Members have access to a number of trusted retailers and suppliers (through NHS Discounts) who are discounting their products and services.
What is an NHS Foundation Trust?
NHS Foundation Trusts are still part of the NHS but they have more freedom in how they run things. Local people and staff are able to have more say in how things are done. NHS Foundation Trusts are controlled locally not nationally. NHS Foundation Trusts have more freedom to borrow money and make investments in developing and improving services.
What happens if an NHS Trust performs poorly?
If something seriously goes wrong it would be the responsibility, initially, of the Trust itself to take appropriate remedial action. If the situation continues or becomes more serious NHS regulators would have the statutory power to intervene.
What are the financial benefits of being an NHS Foundation Trust?
Foundation Trusts are able to access more capital investment, and would use this in order to improve the buildings, general surroundings and equipment needed to provide high quality care.
They also have freedoms to be able to make investments where the local need is highest and according to local priorities.
How are Foundation Trusts run?
The Trust is run by a Board of Directors. There is also be a Council of Governors which is made up of people who have been elected by the members, who will be local people, staff and people who use the Trust's services.
*Non members of the service users/carer/public constituency will also be able to access the information and services available to members on request. No non-member will be disadvantaged in any way including any care and treatment they may receive, as result of their non-member status