What is an RPIW?

Rapid Process Improvement Workshop. 

RPIWs are used to make improvements in services.  They consist of several weeks of intense data collection, during which existing processes are observed and measured.  This is followed by a week-long workshop of change activity using various lean tools carried out by the staff who work on that process, followed by several months of formal follow-up to ensure changes are sustained.


What is a Kaizen?

This means continuous improvement.  It can also refer to a ‘kaizen event’ or a ‘kaizen blitz” which is a fast run through a ‘Plan Do Study Act’ cycle using pre-prepared data and the team that works on that process.


What are the 5Ss? 

Sort, Simplify, Set in Order, Standardise, Sustain.

QIT 5S Guide (PDF)


What is a Huddle?

Huddles are brief, daily/weekly discussions that focus on the team:

  • Trust’s Values & Charter
  • Objectives – team objectives, or priorities for the year/quarter (e.g. accreditation, any major developments, standards to be achieved, significant projects etc.)
  • Challenges
  • Team Progress

QIT Huddle Board Flyer (PDF)

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