Advance training for IPT Practitioners, and supervisor training for those wishing to complete a higher level of accreditation.

What is the aim of the Course?

The course aims to develop advanced skills in group and individual supervision of IPT practice and provide participants with advanced knowledge and theoretical understanding of IPT. The curriculum will provide a competency-based format for self-assessment and clinical supervision. It will extend the knowledge and skills of qualified IPT practitioners in the clinical application of IPT across all focal areas and a range of clinical presentations. This course will consolidate IPT practitioner skills and develop knowledge and understanding of the skills required to supervise peers and for accreditation.

Trainees will develop skills in evaluating adherence to the IPT model, communicating effectively and constructively on the successful application of knowledge and techniques, and managing and supporting change in non-adherent practice. The module will equip trainees with knowledge and understanding of the importance of communication skills, conceptualization skills, evaluation skills, supporting skills transfer from alternative approaches, promoting the development of new skills, and adapted application of existing skills in IPT trainees.

  • To develop advanced practical skills in delivering IPT.

  • To develop advanced skills in IPT case formulation and conceptualization as a basis for self-assessment and peer supervision.

  • To develop an understanding of the competency framework for IPT and its application in clinical supervision.

  • To provide a framework for clinical practice and supervision in IPT that is in accordance with IPTUK standards and IPT Supervisor competencies.

  • To develop practical competencies in using the IPT competency framework to supervise Interpersonal Psychotherapy and integrate with generic competencies in delivering and supervising psychological therapy

  • To contribute in part to the completion of IPT UK accreditation as an IPT supervisor (including in an IAPT setting).

Who can apply for this training? 

Accredited IPT practitioners Level B who have been recommended for Advanced Practitioner / Supervisor training. They must be supported by their service manager and clinical lead to deliver IPT within their organization and offer supervision. The course is intended to give already qualified IPT practitioners the opportunity to further advance their knowledge and skills and consolidate their previous training at practitioner level.  The training will also incorporate more IPT research to enhance their knowledge and clinical practice. This will lead to a higher qualification at Level C Advanced Practitioner status.

Supervised casework will continue with an IPT UK Supervisor who is working within the IPT West Midlands Training Team.

Level D Supervisor Training is suitable for those who have been working as a level B IPT practitioner within their service for a minimum of 12 months and gained some experience as a practitioner prior to applying for supervisor training. It should also have been identified by your service that Level D Supervisor Training is required as part of the service development.  The applicant must also have achieved an overall rating at level 4 when they apply to come onto this course. They should refer to the Summary of Ratings that was completed for cases 1 to 4 to check their eligibility to come onto this course. If a minimum of Level 4 was not achieved when they completed their practitioner training, then we would require an IPT UK Supervisor statement to support your readiness to undertake this next level of training.

Course Dates

2026 dates will be confirmed mid 2025.  


All sessions run from 9.15 am - 4 pm

Day 1 



  • Revision - What are the IPT strategies?

  • Break out and group exercises

  • General competencies re-visited

  • Linking depression to the interpersonal context

  • Structuring the sessions

  • Common difficulties in treatment and how to improve competencies

  • Listening and rating an early phase session from a student 



Day 2



  • Formulation – revisited

  • Skills practice – supervisee, supervisor and observer exercise – referencing the Therapy Record

  • How to facilitate greater emotional affect

  • IPT Depression and the Body    

  • Listening and rating session 4 formulation, goal setting and contracting  ​​​​​​​



Day 3



  • How are we getting on with Cases 5 and 6

  • The functions of supervision

  • Models of supervision

  • A Cyclical Model – 5 stage model

  • Group Work - Review of the Supervision models

  • The role of supervision

  • Supervision Practice

  • Listen and rate Middle Phase recording



Day 4



  • Case work 5 & 6 to date? Are we on track?

  • Endings

  • Group Work – Structuring a supervision session for a trainee IPT therapist

  • Tasks for trainee supervisors

  • How to prepare a new trainee

  • How trainee therapists develop

  • Structuring an IPT supervision session using form 1

  • Common issues in supervision.

  • Listen and rate Middle Phase recording



Day 5



  • The Multicultural Orientation Framework for supervision

  • Completion of cases 5 & 6

  • Supervision competencies

  • Completing the Supervision Progress Form with your supervisor

  • Contracting for supervision

  • IPT UK Accreditation protocol

  • Completing the paperwork 

  • Advanced Level completion – certificates

  • Completing Form 10

  • Applications and evidence base in IPT.

  • Listen and rate an IPT students recording.



Course Trainers:

Marie Wardle.jpgDr Marie Wardle - Programme Director 



Lorraine Manley- edited.jpgLorraine Manley - IPT UK Practitioner and Supervisor



Heather Morgan - edited.jpgHeather Morgan - IPT UK Practitioner and Supervisor

  • As always, the trainer was amazing. It was very efficient, and supportive, and learned so much from it

  • Sharpening up skills from practitioner training, learning from each other in discussions, and three-way supervision - the materials were also excellent on the team's library

  • The support, refresher training, and improved learning of IPT and building of skills. The rating of tapes each training day was very helpful.

  • Ability to see how other people work - bounce ideas

  • The structure was very good, the material and content, and pace of training were excellent, so many resources in the library. I could ask questions in the training and didn't feel intimidated by the trainers, I have learned so much from the course and have gained a level of awareness that I didn't have before about IPT. I have loved every part of the training and felt sad in a good way that it has ended.

IPT Supervisor Course Contact Details

Phone numbers, fax and email


IPT West Midlands,
Linden Suite, Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive ,