The innovative online Coping with Winter workshop, developed by the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Wellbeing Service (IAPT) is offering support to people in Staffordshire to manage mental health difficulties over the winter period.
Innovative technology is being installed on mental health wards at Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) as part of a programme to continuously improve patient safety.
MPFT is working with University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB) to provide a new Community Heart Failure Service for East Staffordshire, that has begun taking referrals
The NHS will begin vaccinating patients against coronavirus at dozens of hospital hubs from this week at the start of the biggest immunisation programme in history.
The 'Do It For What Matters Most' campaign has been launched across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to encourage local people to follow the basic guidelines around Covid-19 by telling their stories, highlighting the impact the virus is having on their lives and work, and the people or things they look forward to getting back toa
Mary Parker, Health Lead, Inclusion, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has been recognised by the British Journal of Nursing (BJN) Awards for her work towards achieving micro-elimination of Hepatitis C and has now won their national award for Innovation.
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s (MPFT) September 2020 Board Meeting saw a Benefits Realisation report presented to the Board. The report demonstrates the benefits delivered to patients, service users, staff and members of the local community in the two years since the Trust was created.