MPFT podcast offering health advice to parents goes from strength to strength page thumbnail

A podcast designed to provide an alternative method of support for parents and families in Staffordshire continues to grow in popularity following its successful launch last year.

The 0-19 Service podcast was created by Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (MPFT) Families Health and Wellbeing 0-19 Service to deliver health advice and practical hints and tips on how to keep children safe from harm.

Topics include:

Specialist Community Public Health Nurses Caroline Campbell and Carol Ingram lead on creating the podcasts in collaboration with 0-19 Service colleagues and partners.

Caroline, whose idea it was to introduce the podcast, said: “I’m thrilled with how well the podcast has been received. We aim to provide bite sized content on short topics which are attractive and accessible. I look forward to working with other MPFT services on the long list of topics planned for future episodes, including asthma, baby blues, toilet training and child safety around dogs, which I hope will reach even more of our parents and families.”

Carol added: “The world is increasingly digital, so it made sense to deliver public health messages on digital platforms, adding another element to our current digital offer of website, social media, Hub, ChatHealth (SMS service) and virtual group programme. I believe our podcasts complement the excellent work our health visitors and school nurses do face-to-face every day.”

The 0-19 Service podcast is available to listen to via the service pages on MPFT’s website:

The MPFT podcast channel, which includes a range of podcasts from the Trust’s mental health, physical health and social care services, is available on Spotify: