MPFT selected as HSJ Award finalists for partnership supporting the mental health of serving military personnel page thumbnail

Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) is proud to have been selected as a finalist in the HSJ Awards 2023 ‘Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award’ category, for its work on the NHS Joining Forces Network.

The award celebrates excellence in healthcare and health improvement for the Armed Forces community and the importance of working in partnership.

The Trust is commissioned by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to lead the NHS Joining Forces Network of seven NHS mental health trusts, which covers the UK. The Network provides a dedicated NHS inpatient and psychological therapy service to serving military personnel across the country, with the aim of supporting them back into work.

It is led by healthcare professionals, many of whom have first-hand military experience alongside a special interest of the culture and sensitivities of military personnel and veterans. They work closely with the respective unit and the Department of Community Mental Health to aid recovery and ease of access to services.

MPFT has led the Network since it was formed in 2008 and so far, more than 4,000 military personnel have been supported back to work. Among the initiatives developed include remote therapy, offering enhanced access to outpatient services; and an app, tailored for use by military personnel and their families to provide improved education around potential conditions and information on accessing care and support.

Steve Grange, MPFT Executive Director of Strategy and Strategic Transformation, and Deputy Chief Executive, and NHS Joining Forces Network chair said: “I am absolutely delighted the Trust has been selected as a finalist for this award. The HSJ awards are one of the most respected accolades in the health sector and there are hundreds of high-quality entries each year, so to be selected as a finalist is a huge achievement.

“MPFT has recently been recommissioned by the MoD to provide this specialist mental health service, which remains unique in the NHS, and I thank the MoD for their continued support.

“We are now in the 15th year of this partnership, and the service has continued to innovate and adapt to meet the needs of those who need it. We very much look forward to working with our NHS partners and the MoD as we commence the next chapter of this long-standing relationship and continue to share knowledge, skills and best practice to ensure the very best outcomes.”

The winners will be announced during an awards ceremony at Evolution London on 16 November.

MPFT has also been shortlisted for -

The Primary and Community Care Provider of the Year Award for the Community Rapid Intervention service & Urgent Care Co ordination centre. The Community Rapid Intervention Service (CRIS) is an integrated service provided by both University Hospital of North Midlands (UHNM) and Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) for patients at risk of needing an admission to hospital. The service is provided across North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and offers a helpline for GPs, care homes and West Midlands Ambulance Service to refer patients for care within their own home.

The Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People Award for the Improving Lives for Young People in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent