Published on: 13 June 2024
Members of the Trust’s Community Nursing team were attending a training session at Longton Rugby Club when they were alerted to a medical emergency involving Roy Walley, who was taking part in a walking football session.
Mr Walley had suffered a cardiac arrest and was unresponsive. The team acted swiftly to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and utilise a defibrillator, which was available on site to keep Mr Walley alive whilst an air ambulance was called.
He was flown to hospital where he had an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) fitted, which can detect a life-threatening, rapid heartbeat and sends an electrical shock to the heart. Following his recent discharge he is currently recuperating at home.
Mr Walley (pictured below) said: “I wouldn’t be here today without their speedy actions and I can’t thank them enough for everything they did for me that day. I’d also like to thank the air ambulance for everything they did. I’m very lucky to be here, and I’m looking forward to one day playing walking football again.”
“I’m so proud of everyone's collective efforts which enabled Mr Walley to be treated and sent home to recover to hopefully live a long and happy life.”
Liz Lockett, Chief Nurse and Director of Quality & Professional Leadership said: “I’m enormously proud of our staff for acting swiftly and professionally in coming to the aid of Mr Walley. Their actions epitomise MPFT’s values and we wish Mr Walley and his family all the very best.”