MPFT Nurse celebrates 50 years of dedicated service page thumbnail

A Staffordshire based nurse is celebrating over 50 years of dedicated NHS service.

Jane Curtis, currently a Clinical Placement Facilitator at MPFT, spent most of her career as a District Nursing Community Practice Educator.

Jane commenced her journey in the NHS on 3 September 1973 when she began her State Registered Nurse training at Dudley Road Hospital (DRH) in Birmingham. Following qualification, Jane remained at DRH for three years, working as a Staff Nurse and then an Infection Control Sister.

Jane took up her employment with MPFT’s predecessor organisation, South Staffordshire Primary Care Trust, joining the Community Nursing Team in Tamworth on 1 April 1979, qualifying as a District Nurse Specialist Practitioner in 1980. Jane was in the first cohort of District Nurses to became V100 Nurse Prescribers in 1999 - a game changer for District Nursing.

Here she stayed, completing more training to become a Community Practice Educator, supporting and mentoring dozens of students to achieve their Specialist Practice Qualification.

Jane was presented with a 50 Years of Service award by Dr Ian Turner, MPFT’s Director of Nursing and Infection Prevention and Control, where she was thanked for her outstanding commitment, endless contributions and the knowledge, experience, and passion that she brings to supporting MPFT staff and student nurses.

Dr Turner said: “I am delighted to present Jane with her award and celebrate her extensive service to the NHS over 50 years. Jane has seen significant changes in practice and remains a dedicated District Nurse and Practice Educator who is focused on the delivery of high quality care. Over the years Jane has made a significant difference to the lives of patients and the development of our staff. Her passion, enthusiasm and professionalism is evident and Jane remains a skilled and valued member of our team.”

Jane said: “Nursing was just something I always felt I wanted to do. My dad was surprised when I told him as I was ‘scared’ of blood as a child. I enjoy my job. It's been challenging but I love the variety of District Nursing - you never know what's behind the door and no two days are the same! It’s a privilege to care for patients in their own home. You have that one-to-one contact with them, in their own environment and everything that entails, including their family, friends, pets and everything that is personal and important to them.”

When asked what advice Jane would give to others joining the field of District Nursing, she said: “Be prepared, treat everyone with dignity and respect, work together as a team and most things are achievable. Oh, and look after your knees!"