Published on: 2 March 2022

The MPFT Research and Innovation (R&I) team have led or are collaborators on five successful National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) Innovation and Improve

Public health Research and Innovation anD engagemEnt project (PRIDE)

This 12-month project aims to build the foundations to support a research culture within public health. The project aims to establish a research ready workforce whereby public health research proposals can be developed and delivered.

Enabling System-wide UPtake and Engagement through the ‘Supporting The Advancement of Research Skills’ Programme (SUPER-STARS)

STARS is a research training and development programme developed by the MPFT R&I in collaboration with Keele and Worcester Universities. After a successful first year in 2021, this bid will support the next stage of STARS to pilot the programme in selected external organisations and enhance the digital offering to improve accessibility.

Staffordshire and Shropshire Health Economy Research Partnership (SSHERPa) Project

The SSHERPa project aim is to strategically develop and implement a collaborative, integrated research and innovation system within Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent and Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Systems. This is a collaborative project between local NHS Trusts, CCGS, local authorities, universities, Place Based Partnership Boards and expert citizens, with the project team hosted by MPFT.

NIHR pilot Race Equality Framework for public involvement in research

Leaders of patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) from Keele's Impact Accelerator Unit in collaboration with MPFT R&I and Midlands Innovation Health plan to scale and spread their NIHR pilot Race Equality Framework for public involvement in research. The proposal is targeted to race equality and equity in public involvement in research

Establishing an ecosystem for cutting edge research on diabetic foot ulceration

This project is a collaboration between the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies at Staffordshire University (Dr Chatzistergos and Professor Chockalingam), MPFT and University Hospitals of North Midlands, supported by Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and University Hospital Birmingham. It aims to co-create a unique multisector ecosystem for robust, effective, and inclusive research and innovation for diabetic foot ulceration (DFU). Special emphasis will be given to first ulcers to make our region the first in the country that can support research in this extremely important but underdeveloped area.

For more information on any of these projects, please get in touch with the MPFT R&I team at

ment funding bids.